BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 24
RDC Final Review: The system should automatically send an email confirmation, including
processing date and deposit total, to designated individual(s) such as Leadership, business
manager, or delegate, who agrees deposit amount and number of items deposited with original
count sheet or deposit summary sheet and prints/attaches email confirmation.
Print Deposit Report: Detailed deposit report, including the scanned copies of checks, should
be printed and attached to count documents for future reference.
Record Retention: Scanned checks should be stored in locked filing cabinet in a secured room
with limited access for as long as necessary for business purposes (we recommend until the bank
statement has been reconciled) and then destroyed via shredder. The accountant is responsible
for preventing any scanned, original check from being re-deposited.
Electronic giving (e-giving) or electronic funds transfer is accomplished via the Automated
Clearing House (ACH) and proper safeguards should be implemented. A third-party vendor
should provide a secure website that includes written procedures describing e-giving security, fee
structure, and donation receipt, reporting, deposit, debit cancellation, etc. The third party should
provide reports listing donor name, donation type, amount, and date.
Each donor should complete required information directly on the 3rd party’s website, including
name, address, member identification number, and bank information including account number
and donation date(s), frequency, and amount to be debited from account. If a donor needs
assistance, a parish, mission, campus center or school employee may assist with entering
information on third party’s secured website, however the donor’s confidential bank information
should not be retained. Parish, mission, campus center, or school should not disclose entity’s
bank account number to donors.
See Payment Processing Systems Guidelines and Venmo – Electronic Payment Processing