Primary Sampler Module Teacher's Notes MFL - Flipbook - Page 24
to Languages
This is What I Like
Suggested activities (continued):
• Multilingual flashcards can be created, with items that pupils decide to draw and label in all the languages of the
• Tutor can introduce the question “Do you like…” when playing games with the flashcards, encouraging pupils to use
it when asking each other
• Videoclips or short songs can be played to reinforce the vocabulary and to give a flavour of what peers from different
countries like and dislike
• A placemat activity (on screen or on paper) can provide an opportunity for pupils to create a visual representation of
what they like as a class: each pupil places words in an area of the placemat (the placemat could have four areas,
ranging from “I really like” to “I really don’t like”), then as a group, the class can rank their answers in the centre of the
placemat. Ranking ladders can also be used to organise their answers.
• Tutor introduces basic hobbies and sports. Pupils can make cards or ready-made cards can be distributed, which
illustrate the different vocabulary
• Tutor asks pupils for other hobbies they might like to add
• Various games can be played to consolidate the vocabulary, such as:
- Charades: tutor mimes, pupils guess by lifting the correct card and trying to pronounce the word/expression
- Stand up if you do this: tutor says the word/expression and a day of the week, pupils respond
- Snap (clap once, clap twice): tutor says the words/expressions while showing visual representations in a random
order. When the two don’t match, pupils clap once, when they do, they clap twice
- What is missing: Tutor shows all the words/expressions on the board, then takes away one at a time and pupils will
say which is missing
- Listen and respond: tutor gives the prompt, pupils respond by miming the action
• Form a chain of actions: each pupil is assigned an action. In a given order, each says and mimes that action forming a
chain (can be done faster, in reverse, or in random order)
• Tutor picks a flashcard and shows it to the class. Pupils who like that activity stand up and say “I like…” pupils who
don’t will stay seated and say “I don’t like…”
• Expressions such as “I play”,“I do” can be introduced
• Pupils can engage in mini conversations, trying to find peers with whom they share hobbies
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