SASKATCHEWAN’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)$2,500mental health practitionerbenefitBecotte says.“Federation staff providesupport to Saskatchewan teachers;conversely it is important for ourmembers to know that staff aretaken care of. While their skillsare varied, they all share the samemission of supporting membersand advocating for excellence inpublic education.”For Taillefer, taking care of staff– whether through the workplacebenefits or a welcoming culture –so that they are equipped to takecare of the federation’s membersis necessary for the federation tosucceed.“Our job is to nurture each otherso we can continue to nurture ourmembers,” she says.“You have these incredibly innovative, creative, competent, caringstaff at all levels, and they worklike a symphony. They’re all doingtheir part and at the end what youget is beautiful music.” 23SPONSOR CONTENT20weeks, adoption leave top-uppay20paid sick days$1,000health spending account Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation believes in the importance of public education, something its employeesare equally as motivated by and dedicated to.SUPP ORTINGP U B L I C E D U C AT I O NAND TEACHERS / 20241114
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