22SPONSOR CONTENTSASKATCHEWAN’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)Mutual care is the secret to staff satisfaction at STFWhen BobbiTaillefer joinedthe SaskatchewanTeachers’Federation four years ago, theexecutive director made time tomeet with every employee for 15minutes and get a better understanding of what energizes themas people.What struck her most washow – though the team came froma diverse range of backgroundsand skill sets – they all shared thesame passion for supporting theprovince’s teachers.“They all believed in publiceducation, and they all lovedworking here,” says Taillefer. “Iwanted to make sure they continued to grow by learning whatmotivated them in terms of theirdedication.”It’s no surprise then that whenSherry Gao joined the team asa pension technician in 2023,Taillefer took the time to meetwith her one-on-one.“That was pretty amazing – notmany organizations make thetime to pay close attention tonew employees,” says the juniorinvestment analyst. “It gave me alittle taste of the culture withinour entire organization.”Passionate about the securitythat financial managementprovides, Gao is always happy towalk members through the detailsof their pensions – especially asfinances can be difficult to discuss.“Money is always a very sensitivetopic,” says Gao. “I realize everysingle decision regarding theirpension is very big, and thosedecisions have a long-term impact.This is about a secure future for allof our teachers.”Having a team of expertsfocused on members’ pensions ispeace of mind for the teachers andallows them – and federation staff– to focus on what they do best.“Our futures are taken careof, so I can put my time and myefforts into what I’m doing now,”says Gao. “I don’t have to worryabout 20 or 30 years down the line,which is amazing.”Our futures are taken careof, so I can put my time andmy efforts into what I’mdoing now. I don’t have toworry about 20 or 30 yearsdown the line, which isamazing.— Sherry GaoJunior Investment Analyst Employees at Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation share a passion for supporting and uplifting teachersthroughout the province of Saskatchewan.Returning the dedication toteachers back to staff throughbenefits like tuition subsidies,flexible schedules, 20 paid sickdays, an admirable pension plan,and more, is how the federationoperates.“Having those sick days actuallymakes us even more productive,”says Gao. “We know if we’re sick,we can take care of ourselvesbecause health is a top priority.”To be recognized as a topemployer in Saskatchewan is anhonour, says Samantha Becotte,president of the SaskatchewanTeachers’ Federation.“It speaks to the strengths offederation staff, who work everyday to make this such a desirableplace for people from all walksof life to spend their careers,”
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