ESG 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 22
Sustainability (continued)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
adopted by all 193 UN Member States in
September 2015, is a plan of action for people,
planet and prosperity, and seeks to strengthen
universal peace and larger freedom. The
Sustainable Development Goals comprise 17
goals, such as the elimination of poverty and
hunger, 昀椀ghting climate change, supporting
decent work conditions, and creating sustainable
cities and communities, and 169 targets.
This is our fourth year of undertaking materiality
assessments which enable us to report on
issues which are important to our stakeholders
and outline future initiatives while taking into
consideration our business goals and risks. We
now identify and prioritise material issues using
software by Datamaran which enables a data-driven
and dynamic process for ESG risk identi昀椀cation and
For each of the four pillars identi昀椀ed from the
materiality index, we have identi昀椀ed primary goals
aligned to the SDGs and have established a set of
policies and guidelines to underpin our activities,
whilst looking to improve our actions and reporting
in each of the areas.
Ful昀椀lling these ambitions will take an
unprecedented e昀昀ort by all sectors in society
and we all have an important role in the process.
As part of our commitment, we are aligning
our business strategies and vision with the
Sustainable Development Goals and Targets,
driving change, developing partnerships and
implementing best reporting practices.
Responsibility for the environment
By providing policies and management systems
based on environmental best practices, we ensure
active prevention and limitation of potential
impacts on climate change and the environment
caused by our operations.
We have signed up to the United Nation’s Race
to Zero and made a commitment to the Science
Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to reduce our carbon
emissions by setting science-based targets.
We are moving to renewable energy, where
possible, and optimising LED and motion lighting
in o昀케ces to improve energy e昀케ciency.
We have a Green Agenda pillar with an associated
section on the intranet dedicated to environmental
issues. We hold awareness days and include
articles of interest in our monthly Group-wide
newsletter to increase the understanding of
climate change, what we can and are doing to
RWS Holdings plc — ESG Report 2023 SUSTAINABILITY
mitigate risks, and reduce its impact on our
colleagues and operations.
We have established colleague-led environment
teams to suggest and action local initiatives to
improve the environment.
RWS is an o昀케ce-based business services operation
and has little exposure to harmful and hazardous
materials. Nevertheless, we have developed and
de昀椀ned strict controls to manage, handle, store
and dispose of harmful and hazardous substances
to minimise the environmental release-risks
according to local guidelines and regulations.
We deliver services in a manner which does not
compromise the environmental impact of our
clients’ operations in the communities where they