The annual Book Bazaar, organized by the Friends of the LSU Libraries,takes place every Spring. The Book Barn volunteers work tirelesslythroughout the year, collecting donations, sorting, and pricing books, inpreparation for this highly anticipated event that offers a vast selectionof books and media. With genres spanning across thousands of titles,prices are incredibly affordable, ranging from 50 cents to one dollar.The Collectors’ Area showcases rare and valuable books, attractingenthusiasts and book lovers of all ages and backgrounds. For manyyears, this extensive book sale has generated substantial funds for LSUlibraries. This year’s sale was held from April 13-16, at the spacious ParkerColiseum on the LSU campus. This venue, being utilized for the secondtime, provides ample room for attendees to explore over 60,000 newand used books, as well as records, CDs, and DVDs.Photos by Tarun Kakarla200
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