BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 20
employees or volunteers should process monies for deposit in a dual control environment under
business manager’s supervision.
Record Keeper: To maintain proper segregation of duties, the two functions of cashier and
record keeper should be performed by two different people. Record keepers should not both
receive money and post receipts. Record keepers should post from receipt records generated by
cashiers: e.g., cash receipt book, cash journal, or other appropriate receipt documentation and not
the physical cash item. One individual can be appointed as record keeper in each
parish/mission/school and post all receipts or record keepers can be designated in each
department, ministry, or organization, depending on the transaction volume and available
resources. Receipts should be posted to the automated financial record-keeping system in a
timely manner.
Reconciliation: Independent party such as Leadership, treasurer, or a trusted delegate should
ensure agreement between general ledger and receipt records.
Written Procedures: Miscellaneous receipt procedures should be established in writing and
implemented at each parish, school or mission.
Gift Shops & Book Stores: Many entities sell goods for the convenience of their members.
Standard cash receipt and electronic payment processing processes, as well as federal and state
laws, should be followed. See Gift Shop Guidelines.
Festivals: Both cash and electronic payments may be received during festivals. Standard cash
receipt processes should be followed, including keeping funds under dual control, collecting it at
regular intervals, securing the full amount in tamper-proof bags, placing the bag in the safe for
processing through the count and depositing in the parish operating checking account. Funds
should not be withheld to pay expenses. See Festival Guidelines and see Catholic Mutual Parish
Festival Guidelines in English and Spanish.
Hardship Fundraising: Programs to assist needy parishioners or others who are dealing with
financial hardship due to various circumstances should follow cash receipt and disbursement
guidelines, documentation, and record retention requirements, as well as state and federal laws.
See Hardship Payments, Taxability, & Funding Guidelines.