Solomon's Treasure SOURCEBOOK - Book - Page 20
NOTE: Vague? It’s the entire context for these quotes. See next
page. He doesn’t “go on,” this is the context Suarez ignores.
NOTE: Tamus = China. Ganges = India but drawn on maps as IndoChina then.
NOTE: The islands between Malay tip and China are called
NOTE: Pliny NEVER says Chryse is a Peninsula but islands multiple times.
NOTE: Pomponius Mela locates Chryse and Argyre as 2 islands SE of China in the Philippines between the Malay Tip and China.
NOTE: Suarez paraphrases and omits the rest of the directions demonstrating SE of China in fraud.
NOTE: Perfect example of British manipulations to this narrative: This Periplus quoted by Suarez is
deceptively incomplete omitting important directions. We do not use Suarez in his misrepresentation of
part of the directions to Chryse provided by the Periplus of the Erythaean Sea which we instead quote
directly. We use his misrepresentation of Mela as an example of such. He totally misrepresented this
by removing parts of the 2nd half of the directions which indicate it is the island beyond China and to
the Southeast of China in the sea. That cannot be Malaysia but only the Philippines fits. He does so to
force the Malay Peninsula into the equation which requires deliberate British fraud. See Next Page for
Mela’s actual words translated and the following page for the actual Periplus with full directions you will
not find with this author. How any author could offer the Periplus and leave out the portion within ““After
this region under the very north, the sea outside ending in a land called This.” [China] can only be fraud.
Let’s be clear. There is a blogger attempting to capitalize on this fraud by further advancing it and additional fraud of such also ignoring the actual Periplus wording and going right to authors like this who are
clearly deceiving and not attempting to represent the truth. Suarez then misinterprets Mela above who
located Chryse and Argyre as islands in the South China Sea not the Malay Peninsula, misrepresents
the Periplus completely and then, goes on to claim Pliny the Elder and geographer was confused about
whether Chryse was an island or a Peninsula thus it must be a Peninsula yet Pliny calls it an island
every time. He seizes on directions where Pliny involves 3 rivers in China, a bay and the “Promontory
of Chryse.” Again, Pliny was a geographer. He knew the difference between an isle and a peninsula. He
also knew the word promontory refers to a rocky point and islands can have promontories just as much
as peninsulas. Yes the word can be a peninsula but not when the same author calls it an island many
times and a promontory only this once which is also a description found on an island. That’s deception
not scholarship. However, he fraudulently deals with such and concludes Pliny must have meant a
peninsula. To make such assumption requires one to believe Pliny did not know the difference and was
confused yet his writings are very clear and he was a geographer. This is propaganda.
NOTE: Suarez ignores the Philippines ignorantly.
16. Early Mapping of South East Asia,Thomas Suarez, Fig. 30 & 31 and Chryse & Argyre Entire Chapter.,+Thomas+Suarez,+Fig.+30.+Reproduced+from+facsimile+in+Nordenskiold,+Facsimile+Atlas,&source=bl&ots=Tc0gOgVL6i&sig=ACfU3U1mqD6N8ypXfK-JjRDsrOsPYVS4pA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAk5ftuL_nAhViF6YKHWixDaQQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Early%20Mapping%20of%20South%20East%20Asia%2C%20Thomas%20Suarez%2C%20Fig.%2030.%20Reproduced%20