MHS Business Guide Revised 4.24.23 - Flipbook - Page 2
We want to thank you for your conside ration in partne ring with
Me ntor Public Schools.
Through support from our community partne rs like you, Mentor
stude nts are provide d opportunitie s to e nsure that our focus is not just
on curriculum in the classroom, but e qually important, how it can be
applied in life . Now more than ever it is imperative that our students leave
these halls not only college prepared, but also career ready.
In order to prepare students to meet real-world challenges head on, we are
e xpanding our opportunitie s to e ngage more stude nts in re al-world
e xpe rie nce s. Our commitme nt is to provide incre ase d re al-world learning
experiences on a K-12 level to help inspire Ohio's next generation.
Busine sse s inte re ste d in le arning more about partne ring with Me ntor Public
Schools can visit
We look forward to partnering with you!
Dr. Joe Glavan I Director of Business Partnerships
Public Schools