WelcomeOptima Electrical Training is the leading approved centre for providingCity and Guilds qualifications and one of the only EAL centres in theMidlands. With training centres strategically located in Birmingham,Bristol and Central London, we can provide our education and skillstraining across a wide area of the UK.Our EAL and City & Guilds accredited electrical courses have beendesigned so that they can be tailored to suit your personal needs. Wecan even offer our services to help you complete outstanding modulesfrom previous courses taken at other establishments and arrangeexams or re-sits throughout the year.We are an n independent training provider; this independence allowsus the flexibility to deliver courses as and when you wish to learn,rather than at locked in times that may be an inconvenience to yourselfor your business. We currently provide training courses in:••••Small Class SizesOne to One Training AvailableWeekday / Weekend and Evening CoursesFast-Track OptionsThese factors allow us to provide a more intimate, personal andtailored learning experience that directly influences both course lengthand our exceptional pass rate. Our average pass rate isover 95% with many courses achieving 100%.0800 037 1572Page 2
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