197violester“This is my third semester working at Tiger Trails. I started offdriving 18 wheelers. Then I moved from driving 18 wheelersto a school bus. After driving school buses, I went to CATSand from there I went to here. It’s much longer driving an 18wheeler than the Tiger Trails bus, and you’re by yourself! It’sbetter driving the bus because you have the noise behind youfrom the kids. You have conversations with them, and meetingsome of the students is the most rewarding part of the job. Iused to listen to music when I’d be on long drives in the 18wheeler. My favorite music is Blues. I’m from New Orleans,Uptown Hollygrove, but I moved here in ‘97. Baton Rouge is alittle bit slower than New Orleans. In New Orleans, you have alot to do and a lot of time to do it. Baton Rouge closes at twoo’clock. New Orleans stays open 24/7! I do think it’s easier todrive in Baton Rouge. To me, Baton Rouge is a big circle withlines through it. You have to drive fast in New Orleans! If you’rein one lane and need to get over, you have to be quick!”
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