193julia“Although I was born and raised in Texas, my entire family isoriginally from Louisiana. I have always admired LSU, but Idecided to come here when I realized my roots to this campuswere deeper than I thought. Interestingly, I discovered thatthe LSU Rural Life Museum is now home to my great, great,great grandfather’s barn. The Stoker Barn was built in 1845 inSabine Parish, Louisiana, and was in use for nearly 150 years. Myancestor, Riley Stoker, built this barn himself, and it was donatedto LSU by his family, and relocated here a few years ago. As forme, I am proud to see my family history living on at the schoolthat I love, and I’m thankful that visitors of the museum will beable to learn from and appreciate his contribution to Louisianarural life for many years to come.”
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