BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 19
reconciliation form should be used to document/evidence that the entire amount was remitted
and unused tickets returned.
Receipt Book Reconciliation: Receipt books should be periodically collected from cashiers and
an independent party should trace the receipts to the deposit to ensure money collected was
deposited in the bank. The reviewer should initial and date the receipt ticket as evidence of the
Check Endorsement: Cashiers should restrictively endorse checks with a stamp immediately
upon receipt.
Cash Journal: Remittances should be properly documented by the cashiers on a paper or
electronic cash journal. The spreadsheet should include: name of person giving money,
cash/check number, amount/date received, and purpose. The cash journal should be signed and
dated by cashier and remitted with copies of receipts supporting remittance for the counters to
confirm in the count room.
Income Remittance Form: Income Remittance Form (IRF) should be generated for all internal
remittances, for example food sale events, planned Sunday religious education registration, and
fundraisers. IRF should be pre-numbered and pre-printed with parish/school/mission name.
Cashiers should complete IRF in ink, noting total cash/checks remitted, date/type of remittance,
and signature. The cashier should have a second person review the IRF (a witness) to verify the
balance and then sign the document. Cashiers should place IRF, receipts, and cash journal in
tamper-resistant/tamper-evident moneybag. Then both the cashier and the verifying person
should take the funds to the safe under dual control, record the bag on the bag log and place the
bag(s) in the drop safe daily. Cashiers should provide a copy of IRF to a third party, who should
be the business manager, administrative assistant, or other individual not directly involved in
processing receipts, at time of remittance and keep a copy for their records. A third-party
individual should compare IRF copy to deposit documentation, initial/date IRF evidencing
agreement, and provide copy of IRF to cashier as a receipt and evidence of deposit.
Receipt Box: The Leadership should consider installing a secured payment box to prevent
miscellaneous monies from being received in an unsecured manner e.g., under office door or
handed to individuals in hallway, parking lot, etc…and to reduce the amount of money collected
by staff, mitigating segregation of duties concerns. The payment box should be physically
secured to the facility. Only trusted individuals who do not have access to the general ledger,
such as the pastor, administrator, principal or designated back up individual, should open
payment box with a witness and both individuals should sign/date log at box. Funds should be
removed prior to the count by the same individuals that have access to the safe and processed
through the count.
Miscellaneous Cash Receipt Count: During the regular offertory count, volunteer money
counters should process for deposit all miscellaneous monies received during prior week. School