Issue 37 Spring 23 WEB - Flipbook - Page 19
and things in and around the workshop…rebuilding of
chimney stacks…pointing work.”
At Cotehele estate in Cornwall, where apprentice Rowan
has been learning to repair doors, make oak handles and
undertake letter carving, his trainer Jon comes with a particular insight as a mentor, having joined the National
Trust as an apprentice himself eight years ago. “It’s all
practical hands-on teaching, I demonstrate, Rowan
watches and learns, and then tries it himself.” He adds:
“I’m an advocate for apprenticeships. I’ve been through
the process, I’m here now. It’s the best way to teach and
to learn.”
Above, Hamish Ogston Apprentices - Rowan, joiner apprentice at
Cotehele, Cornwall credit NT Images-Annapurna Mellor.
The apprenticeship programme is open to people of all
ages but is particularly targeted at young people and will
result in either a Level 2 or Level 3 qualification through
the government’s formal apprenticeship scheme. [1]
The development of expert craftspeople takes significant
time and investment, so each individual will also benefit
from a one-year post-apprentice work placement,
designed by the National Trust, to further embed their
skills and put their training into practice.
By the time they’ve finished their training and work
placement, each apprentice will have been employed by
National Trust for between three and five years and will
have the skills and experience they need to embark on
their career and make a significant contribution towards
protecting and preserving the nation’s heritage.
Jane Bellinger, the National Trust’s People Development
Director said: “It is clear from seeing our first group of
apprentices at work just how much they are enjoying their
training and learning new skills. And for the Trust, our current
skilled craftspeople at some of our historic sites are helping to
develop the next generation of specialists who will carry forward
such a vital part of conservation for heritage buildings.
“We are enormously grateful to Hamish Ogston Foundation
for a grant that will enable us to provide more than 50 apprenticeships at our places across the country over the next few
years and make a real difference in keeping these craft skills
alive. I hope we can encourage more people to apply in the next
round of recruitment so they too can develop their own careers
while helping to secure our nations’ heritage.”
Above, Hamish Ogston Apprenticeships - Apprentice Tom, using stone
carving tools, image credit Jenni Shepherd, National Trust,
Fountains Abbey.
Robert Bargery, Heritage Project Director for the Hamish
Ogston Foundation, said: “It is fantastic to see the first group
of apprentices under the Hamish Ogston Foundation Heritage
Crafts Apprenticeship Programme begin their work at historic
National Trust buildings up and down the country, not only
because, as they complete their hands-on training, they are
completing crucial restorative works on great works of architecture which will benefit local communities for generations to
come, but also for the fact that they are picking up skills that
will provide them with a unique, fulfilling lifelong career in
heritage conservation.
Below, Stone pattern blocks at Hardwick Hall,
credit NT Images-Annapurna Mellor
“We look forward to seeing how the careers of these first
apprentices, as well as those yet to begin their work and study,
develop in the years to come.”
For further information and to apply from April 2023
Conservation & Heritage Journal