iM3 Catalogue - Australia - Flipbook - Page 188
iM3 | The Global Name in Veterinary Dentistry
iM3 Advanced Centre for Education (ACE) strives to
develop veterinarians and nurses to be highly skilled
in the practice of veterinary dentistry by providing
facilities to simulate dental procedures, by promoting
familiarization with equipment and instruments, and
by supporting learning that will enhance the skill sets
of veterinary professionals throughout the world.
The home of iM3 ACE is a state-of-the-art, purpose-built,
clinical training facility with a large 昀氀exible wet lab, technologyenhanced lecture room, and multi-functional space for catering
and breakout sessions.
Our clinical facility is fully equipped with iM3 exclusive
veterinary dental equipment, including high-end dental units,
dental X-ray stations, and a full range of hand instruments.
Advanced equipment such as Piezo surgery units are also
available upon request. We have the equipment and the
means to support all levels of veterinary dental education.
iM3 Advanced Centre for Education offers immersive,
realistic, practical workshops where veterinary professionals
can learn, develop and master essential skills. Along
with practicing new skills, delegates can trial the newest
dental equipment and technology. Our training programs
are conducted by industry-leading training providers, and
quali昀椀ed iM3 staff are there to assist with laboratory and
equipment needs, ensuring a high-quality, rich experience.