FALL FESTWhen that purple stage pops up on the Parade Ground, studentsknow it’s time for Fall Fest. An LSU tradition since 1994, Fall Fest isa celebration of all things LSU — from academic departments tostudent organizations. Campus groups, like Student Governmentand Dance Marathon, as well as local businesses, like RaisingCane’s, sponsor tents and tables where visitors can learn moreabout the organizations and even win a prize or two. While somestudents browse the booths, others provide entertainment, withperformances by Tiger Band, the Golden Girls and several othergroups. This year’s Fall Fest took place on Friday, Sept. 16, 2022.Luckily, the sky was clear, and the sun was out. It was the perfectday to enjoy free food and activities, like cornhole, archery andbasketball. One of the most popular stops was the LSU Museum ofArt canvas, where visitors could help paint a tiger mural project.Photos by Franics Dinh180
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