SASKATCHEWAN’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)$250flexible and hybrid workenvironment allowanceNaidu also values the relationships she has built with customersand colleagues. “We have a strongsense of community and support.I truly appreciate my teammatesfrom around the world and oftenforget we are time zones apart,” shesays. “We frequently call each otherfor support, advice or just to catchup. This collaborative environmenthas not only helped me succeedbut also makes me feel valued.”Employees know they matter atCanpotex, Bueckert says. “Thereare a lot of opportunities to beinvolved and be heard. It makesyou feel supported and valued,”he says. “We are lean by employeenumbers compared to the impactthat we have, so I know the work Ido matters and contributes to thecompany and overall global foodsecurity, which keeps me motivated. I know I am part of a companythat supports my professional andpersonal growth.” 17SPONSOR CONTENT220community involvement andvolunteer hours100%parental top-up pay forup to 8 weeks5paid family sick days Employees at Canpotex give back to the local community through various initiatives, including helping toprepare snacks for United Way.Local company with aninternational
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