ESG 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 17
Business model
Identifying and managing risks and opportunities connected to social,
environmental, and economic challenges into the business model planning. It
focuses on how companies respond and adapt to these changes to carry on their
activity, grow and create value for shareholders and society in the long term.
Energy management
The management of the environmental and social consequences associated with
energy use. It addresses a company's management of its energy consumption,
production, diversi昀椀cation, recovery, and reductions.
Access and
A company's ability to ensure all individuals and population groups can access
their products and services without discrimination. It includes the management of
universal needs, a昀昀ordability and accessibility.
Sourcing e昀케ciency
and management
The establishment of commitments and policies designed to trace, screen,
monitor, and follow up with supplier performance against one or more ESG
dimensions, while on the other hand, the management of supply chain risks
concerning supply shortages or disruptions. It captures strategies to maintain
昀氀uid communication and support between a company and its suppliers.
Community relations
The management of the relationship between businesses and the communities
they operate or which they interact with, considering engagement mechanisms,
community contributions, and positive or negative impact on local communities.
Physical and
sociopolitical risks
The challenges due to the changes in society, politics, and people due to an event or
general trend and natural and human-induced disasters.
Transition to
renewables and
alternative energies
The transition from a predominantly fossil-based energy production system and
consumption to renewable and alternative energy sources, including policies,
goals, accounting instruments and technologies that facilitate that transition.
Natural capital
The stock of capital derived from biological diversity and ecosystems as well as
natural resources.
Competitive behaviour
Practices that prevent or restrict free trade or competition between commercial
actors in a market, including anti-competitive behaviour and protectionism.
It also captures protection and infringement of intellectual property rights.
and production
The company's ability to promote sustainable consumption and production
Waste and
hazardous materials
The gaseous, liquid and solid substances used or disposed of in business
operations or present in products that threaten human health or the environment.
Captures the generation, treatment, recovery, recycling and reduction measures
of hazardous and non-hazardous waste and the handling, storage and application
of hazardous material.
Selling practices
and product labelling
The requirements, standards, certi昀椀cations and established practices regarding
the information presented to consumers when advertising and selling goods and
services. On the other hand, it refers to the social challenges related to the failure
to provide transparent, accurate and complete information.
Ecological impacts
The contamination of natural resources due to harmful substances, excessive
use or exploitation, and general corporate operational impacts that a昀昀ect the
protection of land, forests and biodiversity resources..
RWS Holdings plc — ESG Report 2023