Strategic Plan 2022 FINAL option 1 - Flipbook - Page 17
Goal 1 – Provide Quality Fundamental Infrastructure and Assets
Goal 2 – Protect and Manage Natural Resources
Goal 3 – Preserve and Enhance Cultural, Recreational and Leisure Activities
Goal 1 – Provide Quality Fundamental Infrastructure
Objective GI 1.1:
Ensure public safety through continuous planning for future needs and
adequate evacuation capacity.
Objective GI 1.2:
Expand and improve infrastructure to support commercial/industrial and
residential growth.
Objective GI 1.3:
Develop and deploy a cyber security infrastructure which balances the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of all county systems and
system of systems (SoS).
Objective GI 1.4:
Improve budget planning and forecasting for Capital Improvement Projects
with an emphasis on scalability.
– Measures on the following page.
Fiscal Year 2022 Strategic Plan – 17