Learning for Everyone 2024-2025 - Catalog - Page 17
L’s Story
my eyes to the different opportunities
coding can provide, whether it’s for a
career or more creative projects.
“I’ve always been interested in
Following the bootcamp I enrolled on a
Level 3 Network Infrastructure course,
computers and was comfortable
studied for a CompTIA A+ Certi昀椀cate
troubleshooting issues myself. The
and extended my technical skills as an
course sounded fun, and I wanted to
apprentice. There is so much to learn
learn more about how coding worked.
and remember and so many niche areas
The course was easy to follow and my
tutor was extremely friendly and helpful, in the world of IT.”
addressing any issues or confusion so I
Since completing the course, L has used
never felt lost.
his skills to support staff in an educational
setting to use technology to their advantage.
After the course I felt like I’d grasped
The skills he learnt on the course have
the basics of coding, the different types
given him the con昀椀dence to explore and
of coding and what works best for
develop his knowledge further.
different tasks. This course has opened
L took part in York Learning’s online
Coding Bootcamp course in 2023.
Foundation Study Programme
16 – 18 and not sure what to do next?
Do you feel that you don’t 昀椀t in at
college or on an apprenticeship?
This is the time to
use all of the skills you
have given me to 昀氀y.
Thank you so much.
If you are a young person, with or
without an EHCP, looking for your
next steps in education, Routes
to Success will enable you to
move into adulthood with
con昀椀dence and resilience.
thank you for helping
You’ll study in small, encouraging
me grow.
groups, withall the support you
need to succeed.
01904 554277 I www.yorklearning.org.uk
Thank you all so much
for this year. It has been
fun and a good experience.
It has been amazing to
meet new people and
do new things.
For an informal chat with our
programme managers,
Ali and Sarah, contact
or call 01904 551056.
Learner Story & 16 - 18 Learning
Routes to Success