BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 166
Once the miscellaneous funds are dual counted, tapes labeled, count sheets or IRF dual
signed by counters, the funds sorted by checks and cash should be placed on the cash
table for consolidation. The IRFs and count sheets should be rubber banded to their
supporting documentation including check copies, envelopes, cash receipt, etc. and
placed on the data table for consolidation and data entry.
Consolidation for Deposit
The consolidation of the funds and the paperwork are a key control to ensuring there are no errors
in the deposit or paperwork. Note: While two deposits are recommended, one for the cash and one
for the checks, some parishes prefer to deposit all offertory (cash and checks together) as one
deposit and create a second deposit for all second collections and miscellaneous items (cash and
checks together). Either is acceptable, but we recommend that no more than 2 deposit slips be
created for a weekly count. See