BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 163
o Empty preprinted envelopes should be retained and bundled with corresponding
envelopes. The ParishSoft Family Suite record-keeper would record the envelope
as $0 donation as evidence that the parishioner actively attends mass.
Once all envelopes have been opened and labeled, the pair begins the cash envelope
process detailed below.
Cash Envelope process: Pass the cash envelopes to the partner who:
• Removes the cash from the envelope, verifying nothing is left in envelope.
• Counts the funds, making sure funds are not stuck together.
• Compares the total with the amount written on the envelope by the 1st Counter to the
funds removed from the envelope.
• If the amounts agree, place envelopes in a pile and the cash in piles by denomination.
o If a variance is found, both counters should recount the funds together to ensure
accuracy. If an error was made, both counters should initial the corrected amount
on the envelope.
• Counter 1 runs a tape on the envelopes while Counter 2 runs a tape on the cash. Counters
compare totals.
o Errors should not exist if Counter 2 pays attention to detail and truly verifies
Counter 1’s written amount.
o If errors exist, re-tally the funds and envelopes.
o Verify handwriting on envelopes.
o Make sure denominations were correctly counted.
o If the error can’t be identified to a donor, the last resort is to add the extra funds to
or pull the funds needed from loose cash. This should never occur, but if this
occurs frequently, it may be time for new counters with better attention to detail.
• Counter 1’s tape from the envelopes is labeled as above (date, Mass time,