BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 160
Volunteer Count Room Guidelines (cont.)
*The count training video shows loose cash and then loose checks. While tallying and stamping the
loose checks after finalizing loose cash is preferred, waiting to enter the loose checks on the count
sheet until after the envelopes are processed can be helpful if cash and checks are found in the same
envelope during the envelope processing.
Funds should always be stored in tamper-evident bags.
The count room should be safe and secure.
The count team should be composed of at least 3 unrelated individuals, including a count
room supervisor and two counters.
Cash should always be kept under dual control.
Upon retrieval of funds from the drop safe, the bag numbers should be compared with the
log to ensure that all bags have been received. The bag log should include both offertory
and miscellaneous office funds unless an office drop safe is utilized.
Funds are never held out to be deposited or transferred somewhere else, nor switched
from one fund to another.
The parish has only ONE operating account into which ALL funds are deposited.
Funds should always be kept under dual control and counted by both counters working
together on the same funds at the same time until that type of fund is verified and
documented on the count sheet (not counted twice by one counter only).
Counters work in teams of two, side by side, on the same batch at the same time.
Married people or family relations should not count together.
The count sheets should be completed in ink and signed by both counters. If errors are
made, a line should be drawn through the error and both counters should initial the
correction. If numerous errors are made, the counters may want to use a new count sheet.
The counters duties include reconciling bags retrieved to the bag log, opening the mass
bags, sorting and counting all funds, preparing the deposit slips and sealing the funds in a
tamper evident bag. Two count volunteers may be used to take the funds to the bank if
the pastor does not which to use a security service. If funds are not taken to the bank
immediately, the funds should be placed in the drop safe until they can be taken to the
If the count room supervisor has edit access to the general ledger (Parishsoft Accounting
or Blackbaud) or a sub-ledger (ParishSoft Family Suite or Raiser’s Edge), he/she should
not handle actual cash or checks (except for copying loose checks which have been
previously totaled).