Latus Group Digital Brochure - Catalog - Page 16
Because Good Health, is Good Business
Occupational hygiene
Occupational Hygiene is the identification,
measurement and control of contaminants and
other phenomena such as noise, vibration, and
radiation, which would otherwise have
unacceptable adverse effects on the health of
people exposed to them.
It monitors and controls the working environment to ensure that
contaminants are kept under control to as low as is reasonably practicable
and in all cases, to a level below the current appropriate legal exposure
standard or limit.
There are five phases to achieve effective control
Identification of the hazard
Identification is undertaken via research or initial level measurements using a variety of
spot-checking devices such as chemical reagent tubes or direct reading instrumentation.
Measurement and evaluation of the hazard compared to current hygiene
A wide range of equipment is available to measure individual exposure usually conveniently
positioned on the individual whilst undertaking their tasks. Then the evaluation of risk levels
to those exposed will determine the prevention and control strategy.
The selection of an appropriate prevention and control strategy
Whenever an unacceptable risk is identified then exposure might be eliminated through
working with the client to identify appropriate equipment to isolate to restrict exposure or
control the hazard at source .
Implementation of the control strategy
This is usually undertaken via a change in process, coupled with the provision of information,
better supervision along with training and instruction of the process operatives.
Monitoring on a regular basis to ensure that hygiene standards are maintained.
Once implemented regular testing of control equipment, measurement of hazard levels
and health surveillance may be utilised to maintain control
Because Good Health, is Good Business
0161 5050 984