ESG 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 16
Sustainability (continued)
Client privacy
and data security
The aspect of information technology that deals with the protection of private
corporate information, critical information systems and networks from security
Colleague diversity
and inclusion
This issue refers to the processes and mechanisms a company has to grow and
maintain diversity in the workforce and ensure equal opportunities and treatment
for all employees.
Colleague health
and safety
A company's safety performance and the mechanisms that it has in place to
maintain a safe and healthy workplace environment. It captures protocols,
training, work arrangements, and the physical and mental working conditions to
which employees are exposed.
Ethical corporate
The moral code of conduct and guiding principles to the strategic and
operational management of a business. It captures the management of risks
and opportunities associated with ethical considerations, lawful behaviour, and
compliance practice.
The process of ensuring the workforce is functioning at its most productive
levels and copes with organisational changes. It captures employee recruitment,
retention and development practices.
Human rights
The fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to all human beings that ensure
they are able to live with dignity, freedom, equality, justice, and peace, and the
measures necessary to uphold these rights and the protection of the rights of the
child as relates to anticipating, preventing or responding to any form of violence,
exploitation, abuse or practices that might be harmful to a child's physical and
mental development and integrity.
Climate change
and GHG emissions
Managing climate-related risks and opportunities from actual or potential
physical and transition impacts. It also includes the direct and indirect emissions
of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and emission reduction targets to limit individual
company contributions to global warming.
Client practices
The dynamics of client expectations that a昀昀ect satisfaction, loyalty and brand
reputation and the mechanisms to ensure consumers are treated fairly and honestly
during commercial transactions.
and technology
The development and use of advanced technologies and digital innovations to
generate new business processes and improve clients and other stakeholders'
Governance structures
and mechanisms
The mechanisms, procedures, and rules concerning the company's internal control,
supervision, reporting, and decision-making system.
Public health risks
Major risks to public health, including the spread of infectious diseases and
eventual pandemics, the availability of vaccinations and the anti-vaccine
movement, and potentially deadly non-communicable diseases.
Labour practices
Employment practices regarding internal and external workforce throughout the
value chain, compliance with regulatory regimes and internationally accepted
labour standards in the workplace. It captures minimum labour rights, employee
bene昀椀ts, fair compensation and worker-related corporate sustainability initiatives.
The comprehensive management of corporate communication through the
systematic recording, reporting, transmission of information and analysis of
corporate developments, performance and management.
Management of the
legal and regulatory
This issue refers to the company's regulatory compliance strategy and how it
engages and aligns itself with regulators to make public and corporate interests
compatible. It captures corporate compliance management, lobbying and
government relations, as well as responsible tax planning.
RWS Holdings plc — ESG Report 2023 SUSTAINABILITY