Winter 2023/2024 Issue - Magazine - Page 16
Open Your Heart and Mind through Journaling
Written by Kim Reutzel
Why do some professionals suggest everyone should consider Journaling?
Reduces stress and anxiety: Journaling can help you process and release negative thoughts and emotions, reducing
the burden they place on your mind.
Boosts self-awareness: Writing down your thoughts and feelings helps you gain a better understanding of yourself,
your motivations, and your reactions to different situations.
Improves problem-solving: Journaling allows you to explore challenges from different perspectives and identify
potential solutions you might have missed otherwise.
Enhances creativity: Journaling can be a springboard for creative expression. Freewriting without judgment allows
your mind to explore ideas and thoughts freely.
Strengthens memory: Putting your thoughts and experiences into words helps solidify them in your memory.
Sparks personal growth: Reflecting on your experiences through journaling allows you to identify areas for
improvement and set goals for future development.
Tracks progress: Rereading old entries can help you measure your personal growth and celebrate your achievements.
Prayer Journaling: Allows you to ask questions in prayer and journal heavenly-inspired answers that can be compared
and enhanced by like scriptures.
Let’s get started with these questions… may your heart be blessed!
Identifying Emotions: "What am I feeling right now? What physical sensations are accompanying these emotions?"
This prompt encourages recognizing emotions in the present moment and any physical symptoms of those feelings.
Exploring Triggers: "What situation or event triggered these emotions? Were there any specific words or actions that
This helps identify patterns and potential causes of emotional responses.
Challenging Negative Thoughts: "Is there a more positive or realistic way to look at this situation? What evidence
supports this alternative perspective?"
This prompt aims to challenge negative self-talk and foster a more balanced perspective.
Practicing Gratitude: "What are three things I'm grateful for today, big or small?"
Focusing on positive aspects of life can cultivate a sense of appreciation and counter negativity bias.
Prioritizing Self-Care: "What is one thing I can do today to nourish my mind, body, or spirit?"
Encourages self-compassion and prioritizing actions that promote well-being.
Visualizing Success: "Imagine a situation where I feel [desired emotion]. What am I doing differently? How can I
incorporate these actions into my life?"
Helps visualize positive outcomes and identify steps toward achieving emotional goals.
Seeking Support: "Who in my life do I trust and I can talk to about how I'm feeling? What kind of support do I need right
now?" Heavenly Support: What scriptures will help me with this issue?
Acknowledges the importance of seeking help from trusted individuals and encourages building a support network.
Remember: Journaling is to be a personal and/or holy experience. Feel free to adapt these prompts to your specific
needs and current emotional experiences.
About the author: Kim Reutzel is the publisher of Womeninc Magazine, a Master Neuroscience Coach with a Masters
Degree in Clinical Christian Counseling. The founder of 2 Inspire LLC DBA, The Bibletations App, Scripture Hugs
Devotionals, and Womeninc Magazine. Website: email: