Sign upFor a FREE 30-day trial now!Try e-VDS PlusVeterinary Dental Charting SoftwareWhy e-VDS Plus?iM3 supports the development and use of the e-VDScharting software as part of the overall aim to improvethe quality of veterinary dentistry and animal welfare.e-VDS was designed with the view to make work moresystematic and encourage vets and staff to make athorough oral health assessment a standard part oftreatment. e-VDS is interactive and educational, allowingthe general practitioner to quickly gain knowledge andunderstanding and raise the quality of dentistry throughpractical applications and iconography.Where to find it?You can find e-VDS Plus on the iM3 website Sign up todayfor a FREE 30-day trial, no payment required.How does it work? Register as a user Set up your clinic details Select language for printouts from 5 different languagesand/or an option for translationExport as PDF!The electronic Veterinary Dental Scoring programme,e-VDS, is an on-line dental charting software forveterinarians allowing you to chart, score, record, save andprint detailed clinical findings and track patient history inone simple location.The interactive charting software allows you to recordfindings with a simple click on the patient specific dentalchart (created by David Crossley). You choose betweenfeline and canine patients, deciduous and permanentdentition and the clinical findings are scored as colouredmarginal markings, while treatments and missing teeth aredenoted as full coloured markings.While the basic version is mainly aimed at supportingthe general practitioner in their daily work, the advancedprogramme, e-VDS Plus, provides a wide variety of scoringoptions for more advanced dentistry.e-VDS is an invaluable tool in the communication withclients and allows you to print or email your findings withyour own personal practice logo or save it as a PDF as partof the patient history.
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