RWS AR 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 157
Pension costs
The Company contributes to a Group personal pension
scheme for qualifying employees whereby it makes
de昀椀ned contributions to independently administered
personal pension schemes. The Company does not control
any of the assets or have any ongoing liabilities with
regard to the performance of and payments from these
individual personal schemes. Obligations for contributions
to de昀椀ned contribution pension plans are recognised as
an expense in the pro昀椀t and loss account in the periods
during which services are rendered by employees.
Interim dividends are recorded when they are paid,
and 昀椀nal dividends are recorded once they have been
approved by the Parent Company’s shareholders.
Current tax, including UK corporation tax, is provided at
amounts expected to be paid (or recovered) using the tax
rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively
enacted by the balance sheet date.
Share-based payments
The Parent Company provides bene昀椀ts to certain
employees (including certain Executive Directors), in the
form of share-based payment transactions, whereby
employees render services in exchange for rights over
shares in the form of share options (equity settled) or
rights to cash in the form of cash options (cash-settled).
The equity-settled share-based transactions are
measured at the fair value of the share option at the
grant date. The fair value excludes the e昀昀ect of nonmarket-based vesting conditions. Details regarding the
determination of the fair value of these options can be
seen in Note 22 of the Group 昀椀nancial statements.
The fair value determined at the grant date of the share
options is expensed on a straight-line basis over the
vesting period, based on the Parent Company’s estimate
of share options that will vest. At each balance sheet date,
the Parent Company revises its estimate of the number
of options expected to vest as a result of the e昀昀ect of
non-market based vesting conditions. The impact of the
revision of the original estimates, if any, is recognised in
pro昀椀t or loss in the statement of comprehensive income
with a corresponding adjustment to equity reserves.
The preparation of the 昀椀nancial statements, in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principles, requires
management to make estimates and judgements that
a昀昀ect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at
the date of the 昀椀nancial statements and the reported
amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported
period. Actual results could di昀昀er from these estimates.
These estimates and judgements are based on historical
experience and other factors, including expectations of
future events that are believed to be reasonable under the
circumstances. They are reviewed on an ongoing basis,
but the future actual experience may vary materially from
management’s expectation.
Management have not identi昀椀ed any key judgements but
have identi昀椀ed the following key estimates and assumptions.
The determination of whether or not investment balances
have been impaired requires an estimate to be made of the
value in use of the investment. The value in use calculation
includes estimates about the future 昀椀nancial performance
of the investment, management’s estimates of discount
rates, long-term operating margins and long-term growth
rates. If the results of the investment in a future period are
materially adverse to the estimates used for the impairment
testing, an impairment charge may be triggered. Further
information on investments is included in Note 7 in the
parent company Notes. Further information with respect
to key assumptions in the assessment of impairment are
detailed in Note 12 of the consolidated 昀椀nancial statements.
The Parent Company enters into forward foreign
exchange contracts to mitigate its foreign exchange risk
from foreign currency dividend payments received from
its subsidiary undertakings. At 30 September 2023, there
were no derivative contracts outstanding (2022: £Nil).
For cash-settled share-based transactions, an expense is
recognised, with a corresponding increase in liabilities, over
the period during which employees become entitled to
payment. The liability is remeasured at each reporting date
and at settlement date based on the fair value of the cash
options. Any changes in the liability are recognised in pro昀椀t
or loss in the statement of comprehensive income in the
period they occur.
Where the share options are awarded to employees of
subsidiaries, the amount of the charge is passed down to
the subsidiary as a capital contribution, which increases
the investment in that subsidiary.