BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 15
All cash and investment accounts (operating, D&L, investment, volunteer organization, and petty
cash) should be recorded on the general ledger of the entity. All other accounts maintained off
the books for volunteer organizations, Mass stipends, etc. should be closed and prohibited.
Record Retention: Banking records should be retained in accordance with record retention
policies and procedures, which can be found: Records Management - Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA (archatl.com)
All bank accounts, including cash, D&L accounts, and investment accounts should be reconciled
in ParishSoft Accounting monthly and in a timely manner. All common fund investment
accounts should be reconciled quarterly. Petty cash accounts should be reconciled as necessary.
The person responsible for performing the reconciliation should not be a check signer of the
checking account. Bank reconciliation procedures should be established in writing and
implemented at each entity.
ACH Reconciliation: The accountant should confirm ACH deposits online and via bank
statement. The accountant should print or save an electronic copy of the third party-provided
documentation supporting deposit and post amounts to general ledger through the ParishSoft
Accounting deposit feature. The accountant should ensure the general ledger and source
document agree. An independent party, such as Leadership and finance council/committee
member, should review E-Giving documentation supporting deposit and financial recordkeeping.
On a at least a monthly basis (may be done weekly, if volume of transactions is high), the
accountant should access third party’s website and print the ACH reports for the files supporting
amounts credited to parish, mission, or school bank account during the previous month. The
accountant should create a monthly Excel spreadsheet summarizing the individual files and ACH
amounts credited that supports the amounts recorded on the general ledger and deposited per
bank statement. The total monthly ACH deposits by type on the monthly deposit summary sheet
below the amounts manually deposited by cash and check should be included. The ACH reports
and Excel spreadsheet noting Parishsoft batch number monthly with other receipt documentation
should be filed.
On a monthly basis, an independent party (such as: pastor, administrator, principal, director of
operations) should ensure ACH receipts per monthly deposit summary sheet agree with
supporting documentation i.e., ACH reports and ParishSoft or other software reports.
On monthly basis, in conjunction with review of bank reconciliations, independent party such as
finance council/committee member should ensure ACH deposits per bank statement agree with
supporting documentation i.e., weekly deposit summary, ACH reports, ParishSoft or other
software reports, and general ledger.