Mercuria CSR Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 15
offers multi-product diversification. This geographical
One of the Group’s key strengths is the diversity of
spread enables Mercuria to benefit from strong trading
its operations and its ability to capture opportunities
opportunities in any region of the world, mitigating the
across commodities. Since its inception the Group
impact of weak localized trading conditions.
has developed a steady trading business diversifying
from originally being solely a crude oil trader into
activities that span the entire spectrum of crude oil
and refined products, biodiesel, natural gas, power,
emission certificates, LNG, dry bulk commodities, soft
Mercuria relies upon having a close physical presence
commodities and base metals.
to its customers and profits from optimizing the
supply chain via its ability to move, store and blend
Such diversity greatly mitigates the risks connected to
commodities using its own assets or via its access to
unfavorable market conditions in any individual part of
third-party infrastructure. Mercuria is geographically
Mercuria’s product portfolio. Over the last few years, the
diversified, operating in more than 50 countries.
commodities market has been experiencing a break-
Regular activity across geographies and markets
down of product silos, increasing the importance of
delivers a depth of intelligence and understanding that
interdependence amongst the different commodities
enables the Group to identify short-, medium- and long-
traded. As a diversified trader, Mercuria can therefore
term trends, adapt its business model, and so profit as
capture an increasing number of cross-commodity
these unfold.
arbitrage opportunities.
Move molecules
Provide world
class logistics
Manage risk
Structure risk &
finance solutions
Link supply
with demand
Provide market
Bridge gaps
Deliver efficiency