Solomon's Treasure SOURCEBOOK - Book - Page 146
English Translation by Google Translate:
[Col. Munoz, vol. 42, fol. 6th sq., In the Library of the Royal Academy of
History story in Madrid.]
The Indians of the Indies islands and the mainland of the ocean sea that are the present
of the Lordship of the Red Crown these Kingdoms of Castile are Hebrews and people of
the ten tribes of Israel, which Salman King of the Assyrians captured and trans migrated in
Asia at the time of King Hezekiah, there may be 2,200 years or so that they were taken captive
in Assyria. This is tested for five reasons.
The first by reason of the room and site of the part of the world where they live and dwell.
This is cover of an authority of Ezra (2 Esdras 13 cited below), * where it says that these ten
tribes of Israel trusted there from Assyria later far away in a region and depopulated part of
people who it had never been inhabited, year and a half way. Well walking from Assyria from
the Cibdad de Ninive, where there was Tobias who was of that transmigration and people,
and the rest of his nation walking to the part of the east because they didn’t walk to the western
part because they beat again to the land of promise.
They couldn’t walk to the northern part of the north such a long way to the half-day part, taking
out the Saturday and Easter that the Hebrews did not walk, I walk twenty miles each day as
the rights provide, or seven leagues which is one more mile, pay attention to the Cosmographs
where Ninive is, in the globe and circuit of the earth, also made the account, comes to be concluded so long road to the said mainland, or near where are these people who dwell, because
they walked so much overland here the east that speak them going here...
FOOTNOTE: Esdras, iv. ch. 13 = 2 Esdras 13
NOTE: Some ask for the original text for sources. We have no issue quoting De Morga and others out of the Encyclopedia series on the Philippine Islands
history which are well vetted sources of longevity. However, rather than quote this from another source in English, let’s go to the original book in Spanish and
use Google Translate direct. Columbus was using 2 Esdras to locate the Lost Tribes of Israel along with Isaiah, etc. and we have done the same in our Lost
Tribes Series. He thought he found these isles just North of the Equator in SE Asia but he was in the Americas sadly for him. However, Columbus’ research
did not lead to the Americas but SE Asian isles just north of the equator. These really are no mystery at all. It’s the Philippines. Indonesia is in Ham’s territory.
Sabah Malaysia (state accounting for 1/2 the isles of Malaysia today) was known as Philippine territory in history. And then there’s the first globe from Behaim
in 1492 indicating these islands of Chryse (Ophir) and Argyre (Tarshish) right where Columbus had researched as well. America is also missing from this map.
144. “Christopher Columbus and the participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese
discoveries.” by Kayserling, Meyer, 1829-1905; Gross, Charles. P. 153. Hard Copy in Original
Spanish. Google Translate translaton to the right.
394. A modern facsimile of Martin Behaim’s 1492 Erdapfel map. Behaim Globe (1492–1493)
Ernst Ravenstein: Martin Behaim. His Life and his Globe. London 1908. Public Domain.