BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 143
Petty Cash
If a petty cash system is maintained, the parish bookkeeper lists the account
balance on the parish balance sheet.
The distribution of cash is documented, including: the amount, date, name of
person receiving money, and approval by the parish business manager. Receipts
are submitted for purchases. The documentation is maintained in the business
office. The cash issued for business expenses should not be considered taxable
income to the recipient.
The preschool Director maintains the petty cash and parish business manager
reconciles the account in writing when replenished.
The preschool bookkeeper may not maintain and reconcile petty cash since this
is a conflict of duties.
Accounts Payable
Preschool employees follow parish payables procedures, including approval,
documentation, including use of purchase orders, check requests, expense
reports, etc.
With the pastor’s approval, the business manager can request a credit card for
use by the preschool Director.
Expense reports are used to claim out of pocket expenses.
All disbursements must have documentation and approval.
The pastor approves payment of all material expenses.
As department head, the preschool Director approves payment of expenses
incurred by preschool employees. Preschool employees submit expense reports
with original receipts to the preschool Director for approval and forwards
reports to the business office.
The pastor approves payment of the expenses incurred by the Director. The
preschool director should submit the expense reports with original receipts to
pastor for approval. He should forward the reports to the business office.
The pastor signs reimbursement checks to department heads.
At least three bids in writing are required for major purchases. The amount is
established by the pastor and the bids are retained.
Preschool employees are part of the parish payroll and are employees of the
Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Substitute teachers should all be paid as employees, not independent contractors.
To ensure all payroll forms are complete, an employee should be designated to
review the W-4, G-4 and I-9 forms annually.
Independent contractors must follow the Safe Environment & Human Resources
Requirements for Independent Contractors.
Parish bookkeeper are responsible for issuing 1099 forms for independent