14SPONSOR CONTENTMANITOBA’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)Access employees embrace giving back to the communityAngela Vincent hadworked her way upfrom membershipservices representativeto branch managerwhen the organization sheworked for merged with AccessCredit Union in 2021. “When wemerged with Access, there wereopportunities to move into a newrole as I took on responsibility tomanage multiple locations,” saysVincent, now a managing partner.Managing two – and now three– locations came with a new setof challenges for Vincent. Shereached out to her colleagues,who shared their strategies forkeeping in touch with staff whenmoving between locations. “I havealso had mentoring managers whohave pushed me to grow,” she says.“As Access employees, we have theleeway to make decisions. We’retrusted to know our membersand accountable to make the bestdecisions for them.”Winnipeg-based Access isManitoba’s largest credit unionand the sixth largest in Canada,with more than 203,000 membersand nearly 950 staff.“We have a culture built onempowerment, accountability andtrust,” says Leanna Beasant, chieffinancial and people officer. Shebelieves Access’s robust communications channels, career development and community involvementare big reasons this culture exists.Every month, the CEO holdsa virtual coffee talk for all staffwhere he shares news on thestrategy front, financial resultsand staff incentives, and he ofteninvites a motivational speaker.About half of the 60-minute meeting is reserved for a staff Q&A.“We aim to be transparent,”says Beasant. She meets with thevice-presidents in her area and Employees at Access Credit Union volunteer at a Habitat for Humanity build.they ensure information is passedalong to their teams. An extensiveintranet site includes up-to-theminute financial news, community updates and interest rates, aswell as policies and procedures.We have a culturebuilt on empowerment,accountability and trust.— Leanna BeasantChief Financialand People OfficerOther opportunities to communicate include small, collaborativegroups and committees. Vincentis a member of the Access healthand wellness committee. It putsout an employee newsletter withhealthy tips and information onwellness benefits. And it promoteshealthy challenges for staff such asboosting the amount of water theydrink or creating a budget.Career development is also topof mind for employees. Accesssupports employees to take leadership training or to work towarda degree. Vincent is currentlyenrolled in a certificate program inmanagement and administrationat the University of Manitoba.Employees can learn aboutother areas within the organization that speak to their interests.Access offers opportunities formentorship, job shadowing orterm positions.Even with all of these opportunities, Vincent finds her employees’ favourite activities involvecoming together for charity orcommunity events. “We encourage
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