BCOProg2025 EntryGuide V4a - Flipbook - Page 14
A1. Project Aims AND Enterprise
> Explain the rationale for the project, a summary
of the brief and key objectives of the project
> Outline particular challenges and successes
This is the main part of the submission where you are
asked to present your answers to the Judges’ Questions
in pdf format which you will need to upload to complete
your submission.
> Describe any innovation in any of the following;
concept, design, procurement, construction and /
or occupation.
> Describe how the project has addressed the brief
and taken account, where relevant, of issues such
as multi-occupancy and future flexibility
A2. Utility of Building or Fit Out
As the Judges access the project information mainly
on their mobile devices during their judging tours,
they ask to keep the file size of the main document
to a minimum. Please bear in mind each Judge will
be considering between 30-50 entries.
> Details of any enhancements made to the
Please make sure your main submission document:
A3. Value for Money and Programme
- does not exceed the maximum file size of 20MB
> Cost information - this is an important part
of the submission to enable the Judges to assess
the Value for Money of the submission. Cost
information will remain confidential and only
viewed by the judges and awards administrators.
A lack of accurate cost information will affect the
Judges ability to score this section.
- includes between 5-10 photographs
- is a maximum of 25 sides of A4 long (including
images), Arial 11 font size with black text and
a white background.
If available, please also include a project outline
as an appendix to your submission.
Please DO NOT include a full set of building plans.
Usually a plan of basement, ground and typical
upper floor will suffice, unless the upper floors
differ significantly.
If your entry involves refurbishment, it is important
to include ‘before and after’ images in your main
application document to illustrate the scope of
refurbishment that has been undertaken.
Please make sure to address all of
the Judges’ Questions A to D in your
submission. If you are unable to provide
insight into any of the questions posed,
please explain why you are unable to do so
in order that the Judges can take this into
account when drawing up their conclusions.
Please include an executive summary of no more
than 200 words at the beginning of the submission,
focusing on the reasons why your entry stands apart
and is worthy of a relevant award. The purpose of the
summary is to act as a quick reference and reminder
during the judging visits.
NOTE: The Executive Summary and photographic
documentation may be published on the BCO website.
Each of the following questions will be scored by the
judges. Please make sure your answers for each subsections (A1, A2, etc - D) do not exceed 300 words.
This is your opportunity to extol the differences and
virtues of your scheme. It is also helpful if you include
the question within your submission, followed by
your response.
> Future proofing.
> Therefore, we would encourage the completion
of this section by the cost consultant, to include,
as a minimum:
a) Construction cost information as requested
in the form (see opposite) TO BE FULLY
COMPLETED online. Exclude all nonconstruction costs, professional fees and VAT.
Additionally, Cat B costs should include audio
visual installations, but exclude FF&E, client
IT installations, artwork, move costs.
b) Costs to include project abnormals, which are
to be separately identified in the comments box.
c) The base date of the quoted costs (month/year)
sure you address the following points:
• Floor areas – gross internal area and net internal
area (tabulated floor by floor and total)
Example of how the judges would like this shown
in your document:
Gross internal area
Net internal area
Floor 1
Floor 2
Total Sum
• Procurement route and project programme key dates for appointment, planning consent,
start on site, practical completion and occupation
(where applicable)
• Added value – identify specific initiatives that
have added value for one or more stakeholders