St Ives-a new millennium4/10/023:41 pmPage 12Top left: Market DayPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Yashica Electro 35GX compactAbove: Town Centre refurbishmentPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Ricoh XR7Bridge Street as it was in January 2002 before the re-vamp but with theexperimental traffic arrangement marked out.Opposite page: Houghton MillPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Pentax MXFlooding is an ever-present risk along this part of the Great Ouse, and HoughtonMill, upstream of St Ives, is pictured here during the Easter flood of 1998. Thetimber-built watermill, owned by the National Trust, has its machinery intact, andmajor restoration work was carried out in 1998-9. There is regular milling andflour for sale, and it now houses an art gallery.Left: New housing development adjacent to the old Mill, 2000Photo: Stuart Littlewood/Yashica Electro 35GX compact (from a colour slide)Page 12
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