Solomon's Treasure SOURCEBOOK - Book - Page 136
NOTE: Archaeologist Goddio above writes that there was “clear evidence that
this ship was built in the Philippines.” He could be wrong yet he continues to
publish this 19 years later on his website indicating he did not see evidence
which changed this perhaps. It leads us to question this. Using a bit of logic
the conclusion already seems to have no basis. If Thai cargo is found in the
lower cargo holds, it means they were the first stop on this very clear extensive
international route of the Far East. Trade cargo from the nation of origin would
not likely be found on the bottom as they would off-load it at every port from the
furtherest point which sounds inefficient to us logically. It makes far more sense
we are looking at a fully loaded ship returning to the Philippines in which it likely
got caught in a storm and could not make it to shore. It is very odd that all the
junks found in the Philippines are dismissed away as belonging to other countries
and the Philippine history ignored by their own community of archaeologists it
appears. It begs whether they have accurately attributed most of these in fact
including the Lena Shoal. We have not examined these but this is worth further
research. This is a discipline which typically sticks in it’s paradigm and interprets
only based on such paradigm. This is how they lost Ophir and cannot find it nor
will they ever until one comes along outside of the box and thinks things through
outside of such false paradigms. Good news, that someone is here.
412. 1. “Ancient Trade Routes: Santa Cruz Junk.” Underwater Archaeologist Franck Goddio.
The Hilti Foundation.
2. “Maritime Trade in the Philippines During the 15th Century CE.” By Bobby C. Orillaneda.
Moussons. 27 | 2016, 83-100. [Online], 27 | 2016, Online since 17 May 2016, connection on
01 June 2020.