Local Dark Money - Flipbook - Page 134
Friends of Teresa Mast
Teresa Mast is running for County Commissioner in
District 1 in Sarasota County. She is the PACs
chairman. David Ramba is the treasurer and
registered agent. This is MastÕs second run for
elected oûce. In 2016 Mast ran against Caroline
Zucker for a seat on the Sarasota school board.
Zucker won.(
It used to be that candidates were prohibited from
coordinating their campaign eûorts with political
committees. Now candidates are running their own
PACs! ItÕs an obvious conßict of interest, as
candidates can now accept unlimited sums for
their PACs, and use that money to gain public
oûce. If elected to public oûce, how will such
candidates respond to requests from those who
wrote large checks for their PACs - contributions
well beyond the now $1000 candidate campaign
donation limit?