24-06 - Flipbook - Page 13
June 2024
development of a Christian character and helps us when Sunday Laws
become severe. We do not know when Sunday Laws will begin, but
there are threats to our liberties, and this was presented next. After
lunch and a walk around the land, we had testimonies of how God had
led ordinary Adventists to move into the country. A number of people
remembered Jack and Joy Rayne, who have helped so many, and
they gave a short testimony as well. Perhaps in some ways, we are
building on the foundation that they have laid. We watched the sunset
from around the campfire as we got to know each other more. Sunday
and Monday were days with much more of a practical emphasis. I
showed people our two wells and how they worked. Bread making
using freshly ground spelt flour and sourdough was a hit. The polytunnel
with its fresh growth and warmth was popular, parents were shown how
it is possible to homeschool, and discussions took place around what
was an ideal property, how to earn a living, the possibilities if you only
have a small amount of money, and how restrictive our planning laws
are. Expo-style health checks were much appreciated, and so on. We
aimed to show the challenges as well as the advantages from people
who could talk from experience. The feedback was overwhelmingly
positive with many requests for more camp meetings later this summer.
Overall, we felt the Holy Spirit had guided, and the camp had been a
blessing. A big thank you from the bottom of my heart to every one
who came, some travelling some distance to meet with strangers they
hardly knew. May God bless you all.
August bank holiday 2024 (TBC)
May bank holiday 2025 (TBC)