Local Dark Money - Flipbook - Page 124
Friends of Neil Rainford
Neil Rainford is running for County Commissioner
in District 3 in Sarasota County. Eric Robinson is
the PACÕs chairman, treasurer and registered
When County Commissioner Nancy Detert died,
Neil Rainford was appointed to her seat by
Governor DeSantis. This is RainfordÕs Þrst run for
public oûce.
Rainford is not an administrator of this political
committee, which is good. But his campaign
treasurer, Eric Robinson, is the sole PAC
administrator. There clearly is overlap with the
campaign and the PAC. This is an obvious conßict
of interest. Again, if elected to public oûce, how
will such candidates respond to requests from
those who wrote large checks for their namesake
PACs - contributions well beyond the now $1000
candidate campaign donation limit?