BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 123
The first step is to match your revenue accounts per PSA to the fund accounts in PSFS.
If accounts are not used consistently between the systems, it makes reconciling more
difficult. We recommend changing your fund names in PSFS to match PSA or
adding accounts in PSA to match your fund names from PSFS. We highly
recommend that offertory and online giving offertory should be recorded in
separate funds in PSFS and separate accounts in PSA. Thus, Offertory 2021 and
OLG Offertory 2021 should be included in PSFS. PSA should have offertory account
4010 and offertory 3 online giving 4013 and should be used appropriately.
4. Below is an example of PSA revenue versus the PSFS revenue for a location. You will
notice the funds in red in PSFS are not in PSA and you will also note that Donations in
PSA are not in PSFS. As a result, we must work to figure out where these donations are
being recorded in the other system. Keep in mind that PSA is reconciled to the bank
account and therefore total deposits are correct, but may not have been recorded to the
correct PSA account