24-06 - Flipbook - Page 12
Mi n i str i es
May 31-June 3 | After a hectic and rather wet week
preparing for the camp, Friday brought high pressure
and hence dry weather for the weekend. After one
camper mid afternoon, no-one came for the next three
hours, but then four carloads all together, soon followed
by everyone else who had registered. Because this was
our first camp, we capped the numbers, turning about
20 away. We had 42 people camping or staying offsite,
plus 12 presenters/staff, plus 11 day visitors mainly on
sabbath. The first presentation on Sabbath morning was
on health, reminding people to eat breakfast like a king
and supper like a pauper, the problem with eating
between meals and other common sense advise,
followed by some very encouraging testimonies. Next
up was