BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 11
Workers’ compensation benefits for injuries that arise out of and in the course of employment
(some volunteer positions may be covered) are paid pursuant the Georgia Workers
Compensation Act (see Title 34-9). Regardless of employment status or designation, all workrelated injuries shall be reported immediately to your Business Manager or the Employee
Benefits office at 404-920-7485.
The archdiocesan self-insurance program is administered by Catholic Mutual. All losses,
accidents or potential claims should be reported to the Claims/Risk Manager with Catholic
Mutual, at (404) 920-7375 (9:00 a.m-5:00 p.m., Mon-Fri) or 1-800-228-6108 (24 hour answering
service). Staff and Contact - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA (archatl.com)
There shall be no private negotiations with any firms or possible claimants without first
obtaining advice from Catholic Mutual.
If outside groups, which have no affiliation with the Archdiocese or its entities, rent or otherwise
use facilities of any parish, school or other archdiocesan institution or agency, they shall
purchase a "special events" insurance policy through the Archdiocese or provide proof of
insurance coverage in the form of an insurance certificate which names the entity and the
Archdiocese of Atlanta as "Additional Named Insured.=