BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 101
6. Terms
Members should be appointed for fixed terms and may be reappointed to an additional term or
terminated in this role by the pastor at his discretion. For example, a parish might adopt a term of
three years, renewable once. It is helpful to stagger the terms so that there is continuity of service
and no disruption to the function of the Finance Council. Vacancies by reason of death,
resignation or inability to serve due to other cause should be filled through appointment by the
pastor for the remainder of the original term.
If the pastor is incapacitated or reassigned, the Finance Council should continue working for the
benefit of the parish, to provide continuity throughout the transition. The newly assigned pastor
has the option of confirming the membership of the Council or recreating it. Ordinarily,
however, it would be unwise simply to dismiss the members without having worked with them
for a period of at least some months.
Since it is consultative to the pastor, ordinarily the Council should not meet in the absence of the
pastor or his designated person. However, if it becomes evident that the pastor is missing
meetings unduly and without an apparently valid cause, the members of the Council have a duty
to notify the Archdiocese or a Vicar General.
The pastor would always retain the right to remove a member of the Finance Council prior to the
expiration of his or her term of appointment. Ideally, removal should always be for cause (e.g.,
missing a majority of the meetings).
1. Scheduled Meetings
Meetings should be scheduled in advance for a specified period, typically a year. Meetings
should be held at least quarterly. More frequent meetings are an option, especially if local
circumstances dictate it. As the purpose of the Finance Council is to provide advice and support
to the pastor, the pastor or his designated person should be present at all Finance Council
2. Use of Agendas and Review Materials
An agenda should be prepared in advance of the meeting by consultation between the pastor and
Finance Council Chairperson. The agenda should include approval of the minutes from the
previous meeting, review of monthly or quarterly financial statements, and the major items for
discussion. Supplying information in advance to members will lead to more productive meetings.
3. Recording of Meeting Minutes
Minutes should be recorded by the Council Secretary, circulated among the members for their
review, and officially accepted by majority vote. They should be permanently retained in the
parish archives. Minutes should include attendance and a summary of discussions that took
place, including proposals and decisions made. Minutes should be made available to parish
members (Leadership Roundtable, Best Practices).