24-06 - Flipbook - Page 10
Mi n i str i es
Urgent Appeal for Support: Help Secure the
Future of AdventAge Missions
Hello, everyone,
Jeremy here, serving as the Director of AdventAge Missions. I trust this
message finds each of you in good health and hope.
I come to you today with a heartfelt request. AdventAge Missions, a
vision nurtured by the guidance and grace of God, stands at a critical
juncture. Originally conceived as a collaborative effort among multiple
family members, it has progressed. My wife, our children, and I remain
steadfast in our commitment to realize its profound mission: to train the
144,000 for their vital calling.
Sometime later, it was purchased in full by a family member who sought
to support and expand the work. Recently, a decision has been made
to sell the property that houses both our ministry and our home. They
have agreed to sell it to our family to secure and maintain the
development of the work. This development presents us with a
challenge. Due to our current part-time employment and limited
financial history, obtaining a mortgage is beyond our means.
In this time of need, we turn to you, our community, for support in three
crucial ways: