MCE. DOUBLE-PAGE. BOOK - Flipbook - Page 10
Mull over the questions, let the answers
unfold within you. Resist the urge to jot
down the 昀椀rst thing that pops into your
head. If you feel stuck/overwhelmed…..
Go for a walk, dance, dress up, mix yourself
a sexy mock/cocktail, and return when
you’re brimming with inspiration. By
engaging in this practice of ‘leaning back’,
you’re honing a vital life skill that guides
you through any future moments of feeling
Don’t push this process, because this
book is a journey in itself. It demands
your full attention, love, appreciation,
and dedication. And hey, add a
generous dash of playfulness while
you’re at it. Did you know that when
you play with life (or this book, for that
matter), you unearth hidden facets of
your genius much faster and with ease?
So, go ahead, play! Create sumptuous
reading sessions, gather your favorite
pens, 昀氀uff up your cushions in your
cozy corner, play some sexy tunes, and
take your time. Revel in the revelations,
absorb the teachings, and embrace this
expanded way of looking at and living
your life.
This right here is what upgrading your
life looks like, and guess what? You’re
already on that path by showing up for
yourself and reading this book.
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