BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 10
For-profit Businesses: For-profit businesses, providing private or group lessons or other goods
or services, such as gift shop, are prohibited from operating on Archdiocesan property since it
could jeopardize the not-for profit tax status and property taxes.
Record Retention: All records should be retained in accordance with record retention policies
and procedures, which can be found: Records Management - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of
Atlanta | Atlanta, GA (archatl.com) Sacramental records should be kept in secured, fireproof
safe or filing cabinet.
Written Procedures: Miscellaneous other procedures should be established in writing and
implemented at each entity, especially for cash receipts, cash disbursements, purchasing, Mass
stipends and stole fees.
Tax Policy: The Archdiocese, its parishes, agencies, and other institutions are considered
exempt organizations by both the federal government and the state of Georgia and are exempt
from federal and state income tax, but not from income tax calculated on unrelated business
income (UBIT). Examples of potential unrelated business income are income from advertising,
rental of personal property, purchase and sale of food coupons, etc. The Leadership should
consult with a tax expert familiar with unrelated business income to determine if the income in
question qualifies or not.
The state of Georgia does not exempt churches from sales tax. Schools are exempt from sales tax
on the purchase of items used for educational purposes.
Any inquiry by any government taxing agency, such as the Internal Revenue Service or the
Georgia Department of Revenue, shall be referred to the Chief Financial Officer of the
Archdiocese, or in his absence to the Chancellor. The individual Archdiocesan entity receiving
such an inquiry shall not make a response without this prior consultation.
Non-exempt Property Policy: Georgia ad valorem tax should be paid on all real property,
including vacant land, not being used directly for church or school purposes. A list of all nonexempt property shall be furnished each year to the Archdiocesan Finance Office so that the
proper filing in each county can be made.
Insurance Policy: The Archdiocese has a protected self-insurance program which provides
uniform property and blanket liability coverage under one plan for all entities, including parish
organizations and parish-sponsored events.
The personal property of priests, sisters and brothers is covered on and off premises up to an
annual aggregate of $25,000. This coverage is supplementary to an individual's personal
homeowner's policy. Such a personal policy is necessary if personal effects exceed $10,000 in