TWSTC Study Pack - Book - Page 67
Chapter 5 – Implementing temporary works
By completing this
workbook, you will be
able to:
1. Describe the purpose of specific documents such as the
temporary works register, design brief etc
2. Describe what role you have in carrying out specific actions
relating to the safe execution of temporary works
3. Explain what should be addressed in a temporary works
4. Record who is responsible for specific actions for the safe
execution of temporary works
5. List the activities of a temporary works supervisor
By completing this 5.6 (TWS) 5.8 (TWC) Explain the role and responsibilities of a TWS.
workbook, you will
7.2 Describe inspection and test plans (ITP).
have completed these
9.1 Explain (TWS Describe) the importance of implementation risk
learning outcomes:
classification in relation to the execution, maintenance and removal
of temporary works on site.
9.3 (TWS) 10.3 (TWC) Explain the procedure for hold points and
permits to proceed.
9.5 (TWS) 10.5 (TWC) Explain the procedure to dismantle
temporary works
© 2B Trained Ltd | Temporary Works Training Course l Study Pack l Workbook 5 l Document Version: 4.01