TWSTC Study Pack - Book - Page 43
Chapter 1 - Identifying temporary works
By completing this 1. List as many different types of temporary works and related
workbook, you will be
specialist technical terminology
2. Define temporary works and describe how they differ to
able to:
permanent works
By completing this 1.1 Explain the different types of temporary works found in the
workbook, you will construction industry
have completed these
1.2 Explain the definition of a temporary works solution
learning outcomes:
1.3 Explain the differences between temporary and permanent
works and provide examples
4.5 (TWS) 4.6 (TWC) Explain how competence is determined and
whose responsibility it is to do so
6.5 Describe the difference between bespoke design or standard
© 2B Trained Ltd | Temporary Works Training Course l Study Pack l Workbook 1 l Document Version: 4.01