BS 5975 2019 Extract - Flipbook - Page 64
BS 5975:2019
The designer should consider the format of the design output, including the language, the units
(for specified anchorages etc.), type of electronic or hardcopy drawings, any BIM material, all with
particular regard to the accessibility of the format for the end user(s). The design output should also
define the requirements for foundations (including simple tests to confirm bearing stratum capacity
or soil type), positions of components, the details of connections to other components, limitations for
loading and sequence of operations and anything else considered necessary.
NOTE 1 The designer9s calculations do not form part of the design output.
NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to the CDM Regulations 2015 [1], which require that any designer provides adequate
information about any residual risk associated with the design. There is also a requirement to co-ordinate the work
with that of others in order to improve the way in which risks are managed and controlled. This might include the
use of suggested construction sequences.
For complex schemes the temporary works designer should brief the site team on the key elements
and hazards identified during the design process.
Any British Standards or other design guidance, or software, used in the design should be
summarized separately from the design calculations in order that it can be available to the TWDC.
For complex schemes the information may be presented in the form of a