BS 5975 2019 Extract - Flipbook - Page 63
BS 5975:2019
Choice of temporary works
It should be decided whether it is appropriate to have a bespoke design or, alternatively, to proceed
on the basis of a standard solution. A standard solution comprises a suitable arrangement for
which the basic design work has already been carried out and presented in a tabular or other easily
assimilated form, and for which no further structural calculations are necessary. When selecting a
standard solution, those responsible for making the final choice should ensure that they understand
and take full account of the limitations of these designs so that they are used only in appropriate
circumstances (see 13.10).
NOTE The choice of a standard solution can be influenced by such matters as availability of material and the
particular experience of the supervisory and construction workforce.
If a design office produces standard solutions to suit their materials or operations, then such designs
should be produced in accordance with the recommendations of relevant codes and should also
be accompanied by information covering layout, loading, limitations, tolerances, lateral restraint
requirements etc. (see 13.10 for specific recommendations).
Those who select a particular standard solution should be aware that they have responsibilities and
duties as a designer (see 8.1, 8.4.1 and 13.10).
Selection of materials and components
The properties of the materials and the components that are proposed to be used should be
identified. When designing for the use of proprietary equipment the design should utilize the
equipment in accordance with the current recommendations of the supplier of the equipment being
used. Particular care should be taken to ensure that the terms used to define capacity are understood;
they might be either in safe working loads or in characteristic strength. Where it is proposed to use
the equipment in situations not specifically intended by the supplier, in the first instance the supplier
should be consulted for specific advice about the proposed method of use.
NOTE 1 Where a characteristic strength (see 3.10) is stated, an appropriate material factor has to be used
together with an appropriate load factor to determine the component9s safe working load. The characteristic
strength is used in limit state design.
NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 [5], under which suppliers and
importers of equipment have a duty to supply relevant and correct performance data. Performance data issued by a
supplier of equipment can reasonably be relied on without further justification.
Where performance information is not readily available, or as an alternative means of obtaining the
required data, the user should assess the capability of the material, equipment or component to resist
the loading conditions using fundamental engineering principles and, where appropriate, arrange
for testing.
When compliance testing is required, for example weld testing or confirmation of ground bearing
capacity, this should be clearly indicated with the design output and a specification for the test given.
Where the design relies on specific site conditions, such as ground conditions, the TWC should be
provided with guidance on the identification of the soil type and environmental conditions such as
water level.
Design output
Sufficient and appropriate information should be provided by the TWD to ensure that the temporary
works scheme can be checked and implemented correctly.
NOTE This might include drawings, equipment user guides, erection tolerances, outline method statements and
residual risks.